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Seven for Sophie cycle challenge raises over £12,000

On Thursday, 20 June 2024, Sophie’s Legacy hosted our Seven for Sophie twenty-four hour cycling challenge to raise money to feed parents.

At 4:30 AM on June 20, 2024, the world was wrapped in deep, still silence. The streets were deserted, and houses were dark, everyone was tucked up in bed. Everyone, that is, except for the twenty cyclists who volunteered to participate in our "Seven for Sophie" cycle ride to raise money to feed parents.

As dawn broke on what would be an extremely hot day, the cyclists assembled at the Royal Surrey Hospital in Guildford, ready to start their 300 km journey. The route, which was completed in under twenty-four hours, took participants past seven of the hospitals currently supported by Sophie’s Legacy, including Basingstoke, Salisbury, Winchester, Chichester, Portsmouth, and finally, Southampton Hospital, where they arrived at 11 PM.

This incredible feat of endurance demanded immense physical effort from each of our cyclists, with many reporting they burned over 10,000 calories throughout the day. Our team at Sophie’s Legacy ensured they were well-supported, providing regular stops for food and refreshments. To help with aching muscles, staff from Winchester Wellness generously volunteered their time to offer massage sessions at the halfway point.

Aside from a minor incident when one of our cyclists experienced a puncture within the first half hour, the day went smoothly, ultimately raising £10,471 and significantly increasing awareness of our cause.

However, we understand that not everyone has the physical fitness or the time to complete such an endurance challenge. Therefore, alongside the main event, local businesses, gyms, and shops provided individuals the opportunity to participate by completing the 300 km on a static bike over the course of the week. This effort, another amazing feat of endurance, raised an additional £1,784.85.

But where does your money go?


Currently, only 30% of hospitals across England provide meals for parents admitted with their children, creating a significant burden, particularly for those unable to leave their child's bedside. This issue is exacerbated for families facing financial struggles, especially when living apart from their main household during a cost-of-living crisis.


At Sophie’s Legacy, we recognise the vital role that nutrition plays in maintaining both physical and emotional well-being. Access to food and drink is not just a comfort but a fundamental necessity for survival, especially for parents navigating the stress of having a child in the hospital.


By ensuring parents' basic needs are met and their stress levels are reduced, we empower them to actively participate in their child’s care and engage more effectively with medical professionals. This, in turn, leads to better decision-making about treatment options and plans. Ultimately, this empowerment translates into better outcomes for the child and enhances parents' sense of control during a challenging time.


Sophie’s Legacy is not merely advocating for change; we are actively involved in implementing solutions. Not only do we provide food for parents in the eleven hospitals we support in the south of England, but through collaboration with government bodies and the NHS, we are driving initiatives to prioritize parental nutrition within hospitals throughout England.


On July 26, 2024, Sophie’s Legacy and NHS England announced the launch of a pilot project aimed at addressing the critical issue of providing meals to parents staying in hospitals with their children across England. Fifteen hospitals were selected from a number of applicants to receive £5,000 each from the £75,000 funding provided by Sophie’s Legacy, with some of this funding raised through the Seven for Sophie challenge.


The project will run for up to twelve weeks, during which each hospital will offer at least two meals per day to the parent or carer. Hospitals involved are free to determine the most appropriate method of implementation, which could include choosing meals from the hospital menu, offering ready-made meals, or providing vouchers for the hospital restaurant. They are also required to demonstrate how they will continue to feed parents beyond the pilot project. The evaluation of these initiatives will potentially enable hospitals to provide an evidence-based argument for future funding.


The Seven for Sophie challenge was an incredible event and a resounding success, with £12,255.85 raised by our amazing cyclists. With your continued help and support, we can fund more hospitals, support more parents, and ensure better outcomes for children. We extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of our supporters who enable us to continue creating change.

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