Southampton General Hospital
Southampton General Hospital is the largest hospital we serve and is looked after by the Sophie's Legacy and their team of local volunteers. The hospital is one of the largest in the country with a great number of specialist services based here. In total we look after 13 wards at Southampton General ranging from Children's wards, Neonatal Intensive Care, Teenage Cancer and the Children's Assessment Unit.
Local Snack Box Donation Points
Tesco Superstore (Customer Services)
Chandlers Ford
Tesco Superstore (Customer Services)
Locks Heath
The Mulberry Bush - 51 Locks Road
Fareham Community Hospital
Sophie's Legacy HQ (see below address)
Brickmaker's Pub
The Rising Sun Pub
Tesco Superstore
The Eight Foundation - 1460 Parkway PO15 7AF
'Saturday Night Suppers' Pizza Night Sponsor
Sponsor a Night
​If you or your business are interested in sponsoring a Sophie's Saturday Night Supper at Southampton General Hospital you can do so by emailing
For any questions or queries regarding Southampton General Hospital please email Sophie's Legacy HQ at